September 30, 2008

Scarlet Monastery

~The Armory
We adventured through the first three instances of Scarlet Monastery a few days ago, with great success. We got some good upgrades and had no wipes, and concluded with killing Herod the Scarlet Champion in the Armory.

Pictured here is my new Chesterfall Musket (Fluoxx is afraid of it) obtained as loot from the Monastery. Also seen in picture below is a shiny new enchant to my Armor Piercer that was obtained during the AIE craft fair last Saturday (9pm-12).

~Craft Fair
Speaking of the craft fair, I dropped skinning and decided to pick up the enchanting profession. During the huge craft fair there were lots of donated enchanting dusts, and I leveled from L1 to L255 in one evening. The mats are getting expensive at this point, so I'm going to sit on it for a while and slowly collect some mats at good deals in the auction house. I have an awesome list of enchants I can do for my buds at this point, so just ask. Also during the craft fair, there were donated ores that I smelted to get my mining skill up, then returned the bars to be used by the engineers and blacksmiths. The fair was a little hectic, but was a great experience overall.

Bacchus is still trudging along towards L70. I upgraded his mele weapon to the standard hunter pick for that level, the Crystalforged War Axe.

While still adventuring in Shadowmoon Valley, I stumbled upon Uvuros, a monstrous core hound. My thoughts turned towards WotLK and how core hounds can be a tamed. Uvuros would look awesome as my next pet. Notice.....I'm standing really far away from him (on hill background), using my Eagle Eye ability to take the pic.

Before going to bed at the Inn, I could not help but take this creative picture. It kinda looks like a massive new Druid helmet, but its really a wall trophy on my head. Hey....its not a lamp shade. I'll blame it on the Dwarven Ale!

Have you got yours yet? I just did, and it works great! Only $6.50...that's cheap protection.

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