September 16, 2008

Level 70 on Horizon

Tyberiuss spent the week resting and waiting for his buds to come back to WoW. He sits snug at an Inn somewhere in the Arathi Highlands.....still at L33.

But this downtime for Tyberiuss led to much adventuring for Bacchus.

There was a server wide invite for a raid on Naxxramas, which Bacchus signed up for. It was organized for people to see this old world dungeon before it gets transplanted to Northrend in the future expansion. He was attuned and all ready to go, but we did not get enough people to show. The signups indicated that we had plenty of players, but the storms and high winds from hurricane Ike were later blamed for why there where so many no-shows. We (6 of us) did decide to at least go in and look around Naxx, only to have our butts handed to us on the first mob pull. The hosting guild is trying to reschedule the raid.

~Dragon Hunting
Bacchus attended a Titans of Glory event of dragon slaying, where we took on the two dragons at the portal to The Emerald Dream. Pictured here are the dragons Rothos, and Taerar (a possible spawn form the nightmare dragons). We were not able to finish off the the boss dragon due to lack of healers. So Bacchus was honored to be turned into dragon poop.

~Elemental Line-Up
During an interesting quest series that involved capturing the essence of the four basic elemental food groups (water, earth, fire, air), the quest turn-in netted this nice lineup of their forms being put to rest.

~One step from L70
While questing in Shadowmoon Valley, an early quest turn-in yielded enough XP to reach L69. He had all kinds of L69 gear stashed away (some made by my leatherworking profession) to change into, making for some nice upgrades. L70 here I come.......short lived level cap, as WotLK now has an official 2008 release date. Bacchus has all his gold ready to straight for the Epic Flying Mount, thanks to his little auction house buddy, Midgetfist.

~Meet Midgetfist
This is Midgetfist's usual spot, standing on a barrel in the auction house, trolling for good deals.

Don't feel bad for him, because he does have hobbies.....he trades and collects Darkmoon Fair Cards. Pictured here is his collection, showing him snapping up most of them. Since the fair recently came to Goldshire, he put up 3 completed decks on the AH for tidy profits.

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